Sales enablement consulting

Equip your sales teams with persuasive stories, pitches, presentations, and tools that create demand and drive conversions. With our sales enablement consulting, you can increase your revenue using key principles such as empathy, clarity, and story.

Let’s drive revenue together

Set your sales team up for success

Products don’t move people. Stories do.

Confusing sales materials and feature-heavy decks aren’t going to help your sales and marketing teams drive leads and revenue.

By providing your sales team with the right tools, training, and resources, you can help them close more deals effectively. With sales enablement consulting from Duarte, you’ll accelerate company growth.

A smiling woman standing up in a conference room, leading a Sales Enablement consultation.

How our sales enablement consulting can help

Let’s achieve your pipeline and sales goals together. Duarte’s sales training and enablement tools help your sales team create demand, build connections, and inspire action with a time-tested approach.
See the many ways we can make your sales numbers shine.

Persuade through story

  • Sharpen your strategy to better address the needs of prospects
  • Tap into the emotive power of story to persuade and sell
  • Visualize a powerful new sales story that gets to the heart of your differentiators
  • Refine and structure your sales process using storytelling and stand-out visuals
  • Refresh or build specific compelling stories for a strategic audience that demonstrates innovation and vertical expertise
  • Plan and unveil the right sales content for the right state of your business at your next sales kickoff presentation (SKO)

Template development

  • Train your sales team on how to deliver their pitches with story techniques, confidence, and authenticity
  • Get group or one-on-one sales conversation coaching with our experts to refine your presentation stories, design, and/or delivery
  • Build a polished, user-friendly slide system that lets any team member or sales rep
  • Fast track your way to crafting a powerful story, smart visual plan, and a fresh new slide deck, working side-by-side with our team with our Accelerator Lab™ service
Veeam banner

Featured case study

Growing Veeam’s revenue by training sales to tell a bigger story

When the corporate sales team at $1B software company Veeam® realized their enterprise story needed to evolve, they turned to Duarte to lead the renovation. Read on for a blueprint to sales enablement success!

Read the full case study

Get ready to drive conversions

With help from Duarte experts, you can tell a story that overcomes skepticism and inertia. Sharpen your sales story and your prospects are bound to listen. Let’s review your sales enablement efforts together.

Connect with a sales enablement expert

Make your sales enablement work for you

With our sales enablement consulting, you can craft a narrative and visualize it with intentionality. It’s time to let it build trust and inspire action.

Communicate clearly

Structure your ideas and marketing alignment to improve understanding.

Transcend the pitch

Strike the right balance of analytical and emotive content, and anticipate their objections

Make them believe

Engage and inspire with timeless story structure and eye-catching visuals

How we accelerate your sales growth

Whether it’s your master sales enablement deck that every salesperson uses, or it’s finessing your sales leaders’ delivery to incorporate the persuasive power of story, our sales enablement consulting services can help.

  • Core story presentations
  • Product pitch decks
  • Template development
  • Investor pitch decks
  • Accelerator Lab™
  • Sales pitch training
  • Sales kickoff (SKO) presentations
  • Executive briefing center pitches
  • Product and industry stories

Have a great sales enablement deck but need us to pull the story out of it? We can take your materials and build upon them, or we can start from scratch and build everything together.

A person standing at a conference room table is discussing something with a man sitting next to them.
A laptop shows a person on a virtual call and a slide editing tool.

Fast-track your talk with an expert-led Accelerator Lab™

Build a strong audience-focused vision, narrative, and the visuals for your talk through guided, interactive working sessions. We facilitate the process every step of the way, and you’ll leave amazed and inspired by what you’ve built.

See how the Lab works