Sales kickoff canvas

Nail your next sales kickoff talk in just 4 easy steps using our free tool.

No two sales kickoffs are the same. Some companies are coming off a fantastic year with hockey stick growth. Others failed to hit their numbers and suffered layoffs. For some, their SKO is a moment for excitement as you rally the troops to for a big year. And for others, their SKO is a moment to be realistic about the state of the company or the industry. Wherever you fall, the task before you is the same: Move your audience. The question is: How do you do that?

That’s where our Sales Kickoff Canvas comes in. We’ve developed a tool that allows you to frame your content in a way that strikes the right informational and emotional chords with your sales teams.

This free tool will help you to:

  • Tailor your talking points to address the needs, questions, or fears of your audience
  • Create clarity by framing a Big Idea™
  • Maintain audience engagement by following a Presentation Sparkline™
  • Connect emotionally with your audience through authentic storytelling

Download the Sales kickoff canvas

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